Wild dogs make the initial approach to the Department Store difficult, but once inside the only threat are the mutant rats located in several rooms, which are easily dispatched with a shotgun or the knife. Walk down the stairwell to the basement, and the Calibration Tools are sitting on a table to the right. Follow the hall to the north end of the Department Store, then enter the room behind the closed door to the left of the sealed double doors that lead to the front plaza. Enter the Department Store through the double doors behind the barricade in the forward plaza and make your way through the rooms to the back hall that runs the length of the building. The first set of Calibration Tools in Pripyat are located in the Department Store, a map-marked location in the south-west region of Pripyat. Go Straight for the Gold: Pripyat Calibration Tools With Bright Hub’s S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat Calibration Tools Guide, learn where these much-coveted tools lie and unlock the full potential of your weapons and armor. By finding and delivering these tools to mechanics in need, the player can increase the types of upgrades available for them to buy, and the most powerful upgrades are only possible with Calibration Tools hidden within the ghost city of Pripyat. Proper resources being a scarce commodity in the Zone, however, the mechanics of Call of Pripyat lack the proper tools to perform more complex upgrades at the start of the game. In S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, players can visit mechanics at the various Stalker strongholds in the Zone to upgrade their weapons and armored suits, increasing their rates of fire and ammunition capacity or boosting their resistance to certain types of damage.

Make Machine Guns out of Lighters: a Guide to S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat Calibration Tools